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FHM is primarily mouse-driven. If something interests you, just click (or right-click) on it! The game interface is reminiscent of a web browser, and most users will be familiar with the appearance of colored text 'hyperlinks' that appear throughout the game. Click on a link to be taken a screen with more information about the object you clicked. In-game hyperlinks are typically shown as colored text, and will change color in some way when you 'mouse over' the text. Some OOTP screens also support 'drag-and-drop' functionality. Drag-and-drop is used primarily in making roster transactions, trading players, and in setting up your lineups, pitching rotations, and depth charts. If a screen supports drag-and-drop, it will be noted on-screen.
Context Menus
FHM uses right-clicking extensively. (Macintosh users with a single-button mouse can hold down the CTRL key while clicking to use the right-click functionality.) In most cases, right-clicking on an object will bring up a menu of actions that we refer to as a 'context menu.' For example, right-clicking on a player name brings up a menu of actions that pertain to that player. The actions available in the context menus are "context-sensitive," meaning that they might change depending on where you are in the game. For example, on the Lineups screen, the context menu includes options for inserting a player into the lineup or removing him from the lineup. On the Depth Charts screen, the context menu includes options for inserting a player into the depth chart or removing him from the depth chart, and so on. Additionally, right-clicking on any of the tabs in the game will bring up a context menu with all the screens and subscreens available in that area of the game.
Status Bar
The Status Bar spans very top of the screen. It displays a series of boxes. From left to right, it contains information about the currently loaded game, the current game date, and your current team's record. Additionally, it contains schedule boxes that display yesterday into the future. How many boxes appear depends on your screen resolution. Each date may show events that will or have already occured. Completed games will have links to the box score for the game.
FHM has a number of menus across the top of the screen: Game, Manager, League, Team, and Play. These are all described in detail in the section of the manual entitled Screen Descriptions by Menu.
Navigation Arrows
Near the top left of the screen are a series of three navigation arrows grouped together. These navigation arrows behave similarly to web browser arrows, moving you back and forth between game screens. Click the left arrow to go back to the screen you visited just before the one you are viewing, and the right arrow to move in the opposite direction through screens you have visited recently. The small downward-facing arrow in the middle displays a menu of recently visited screens, allowing you to jump directly to one of those screens.
To the right of the navigation arrows is the "home" icon. Click on this icon to quickly return to your Manager Home screen after navigating elsewhere.
Clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the top right opens the Search Box. By entering text into the Search Box and pressing the Enter key, you are able to quickly find any player, team personnel member, or team in your hockey universe (human managers cannot be found through the search engine). The search engine is not case-sensitive, and it does not support Boolean commands such as AND, OR, or NOT.
Many of the areas in FHM have been divided into multiple screens through the use of Tabs. Some screens have been broken down further into a set of child tabs containing related screens. You can also right-click on a tab to see a context menu of related screens.
Drop-down Menus
Drop-down Menus are an important part of the FHM interface. Most drop-downs are located near the top of the screen, underneath the tabs. In many cases, especially on screens with player data, drop-downs are used to define how you want to view the data on the screen.
Action Menus
Action Menus contain actions you can take, and are typically located in the lower right corner of the screen. They are usually 'drop-up' menus, since the options cascade up from the menu instead of down. Some actions may not be available to you at all times, depending on your role and which team you control. For example, a commissioner has access to options that a minor league manager does not, and a manager has more options when looking at his own team than when looking at another team.
Many of the items in action menus are the same as those available through context menus. Some action menus appear on numerous game screens. These are described in the common action menus screen of the manual. Other screen-specific action menus will be described on the page of the manual describing that screen.