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For Steam users, Workshop Central uses the Steam Workshop in the same role as Add-On Central.
Using Workshop Central
- Open the "Workshop Central" dialog with the button on the main screen
- Use the "Switch List" button to open the "Your Published Items" view
- Hit the "Create Item" button (2) to open the "Create Steam Workshop Item" dialog
- Enter a title and a description for your item
- Hit Continue
You should now see the item in the list of published items. If it is not there, there are several things to try:
- Reload the list
- Close OOTP, close Steam, wait a few seconds, then open Steam and OOTP again and revisit the list
- Open the Steam workshop page (2). Select "Files you've posted" in the "Your files" menu. This should only show your files.
As you can see here, the item is now created. It is now on the Steam server, but the picture and content is missing. No worries, it's still only visible for you.
Click on the item to open it in the Steam client:
You can work on it here now. You can edit title, description and upload an image. But you cannot upload the content.
Uploading the content is the next step. Determine which files the users receive when they "subscribe" to your item, and it is also important that the systems know into which folder the file(s) should be installed:
- create a folder anywhere on your computer with any name. For example c:/temp/myitem
- open this folder and create a subfolder with the name "custdata" so you get the path c:/temp/myitem/custdata
- whatever you copy into this folder, will be installed into the customizable data folder on the subscriber's computers (see *1 below for more info)
- create folders and files as you want to
"My Test Item" should just copy a new logo into the logos folder. So create the folder logos, just as you see it in your customizable data folder, and put the file into it:
The "item data source folder" for the next steps would be c:/temp/myitem
To add a new ballpark, check the customizable data folder in your OOTP23 installation and use that as a guide, for example:
And then copy the new files into these folders. The item data source folder would still be c:/temp/myitem
Now upload the data to Steam. Open the Workshop Central again and click on your new item to open it.
Click on the "Change" button next to "Source folder:". It will open a dialog to locate the source folder.
Use the buttons "Drive", "Up" and so on to navigate to your folder, as shown in the picture above. You must see the custdata folder in the dialog. Click on "Upload" and the data will be uploaded to Steam. Eventually it will show the success message.
Do the same with the "Preview image": Click on "Change", select an image file that will be show on the Steam workshop page, and let OOTP upload it to Steam.
You should now see your item in the Steam workshop.
Now you can Subscribe to your own item to test the download and installation (2). You will need to set the visibility to "Public" to make your item available for other users.
When someone else subscribes to the item, it will be shown in the dialog.
You can also subscribe to your own item to test it. You may need to "Switch list", or to "Reload list", or even to close the dialog and re-open it. Steam downloads the files automatically, which can take some time; you should see the progress in the Steam client. Certain Steam client settings, such as disabling auto-updating, can also block the download.
When the files are downloaded to your computer, the user still needs to let OOTP copy them to the right places. Just open the item in the dialog again.
Click on the first button "This item is downloaded, click here to install or re-install it", to let OOTP copy the files to the customizable data folder ("custdata").
Where are the files?
If you go through OOTP Game Settings dialog to the Troubleshooting tab and the button "Open folder containing customizable data", you will see your Steam OOTP folder, for example:
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Out of the Park Baseball 23/data
Navigate upward to:
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps
You will find a folder named "workshop" there. Open that folder, then the "content" folder inside it, and you'll see one folder for each of your Steam apps which has Workshop items.
Open the folder numbered 1087280 (that number is the OOTP 23 Steam App ID and hence the folder for the OOTP 23 workshop items.) You will see a sub folder for each workshop item. The folder 9598587 will show the content of the test item. The ID is also used in Steam's link to the workshop item:
What is the "customizable data folder"?
This is the folder where OOTP looks for the ballparks, logos and so on; all the data that came with the game. You can easily find it with the Game Settings dialog, Troubleshooting tab, and the button "Open folder containing customizable data".