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In OOTP, you have the ability to write or edit recaps of completed games, either immediately upon completing a game in Play-by-Play Mode, or at any time thereafter. Recaps can be delivered to you in the form of a league news article, so that they are saved as part of the records of your league. Recaps are not required. However, OOTP's news engine typically only generates game-specific articles when something special happens (a shutout, multi-hit games, etc.). For many players, particularly those who play on more of a game-by-game basis, this can be a very immersive way of documenting each game in detail and saving it in OOTP's history.

To write or edit a recap, just click on one of these links.
Alternately, if you have just played out a game in Play-by-Play Mode, you will have an opportunity to write the recap immediately before leaving the game:

The interface for writing a recap is fairly simple:

Just enter a headline and content, and then click the Finish (or Save) Recap button. This editing window behaves just like the one in the Write/Edit News page. See that page for more information, including instructions on how to create player hyperlinks in your recaps. In the top right corner of the Game Recap is a checkbox entitled Send as league news too. If this box is checked, your custom game recap will also appear in the League News.
In addition to the news article, your custom recap will be embedded in the box score for this game:

Writing or Editing Recaps
When you are looking at a completed game on the Scores and Schedule page, a Write Recap link will display. If a recap already exists for this game, the link will be called Edit Recap instead:
To write or edit a recap, just click on one of these links.
Alternately, if you have just played out a game in Play-by-Play Mode, you will have an opportunity to write the recap immediately before leaving the game:

The interface for writing a recap is fairly simple:

Just enter a headline and content, and then click the Finish (or Save) Recap button. This editing window behaves just like the one in the Write/Edit News page. See that page for more information, including instructions on how to create player hyperlinks in your recaps. In the top right corner of the Game Recap is a checkbox entitled Send as league news too. If this box is checked, your custom game recap will also appear in the League News.
In addition to the news article, your custom recap will be embedded in the box score for this game: