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The Rivalry system models relationships between teams that are characterized by particularly hard-fought games, with consequences beyond those of a regular win or loss.
The operation of the rivalry system revolves around three points of data:
Main Rival: The team that's unquestionably the team's biggest rival right now
Potential Rival: A secondary rivalry that isn't quite as clear-cut but could conceivably reach main rivalry status soon, replacing the current main rival if there is one. There can be only one of these at a time.
Rivalry Change Level: A number from 1-4 that indicates how close the Potential Rival is to replacing the Main Rival; 4 being on the brink of reaching the main rivalry stage, 1 being at risk of fading out completely. Main Rivalry status is considered level 5.
Teams can start with either a main and/or potential rival, both, or none. Rivalries don't necessarily need to be two-way, i.e. Team A can have Team B as its main rival, but Team B may have Team C as theirs if the A-B rivalry isn't quite as big as B-C from their perspective (e.g.Ottawa-Toronto-Boston circa 2018-19.)
The rivalry situation will evolve over time based on game events: right now playoff series will have the biggest effect, but regular games do as well. The potential rival can replace the main rival, a main rival can fall back to potential status, and a potential rivalry can fade out entirely (and a rivalry with a new team may eventually fill that empty spot.) When no main rival is present, the secondary rivalry will progress faster towards main rivalry status. If a potential rivalry reaches level 5, it will replace the main rivalry (which will become a potential rivalry at level 4).
Games are considered rivalry games if the combined rivalry levels between the teams total five or more.
- All rivalry games between main rivals are considered Big Games" and each player's Big Games rating is checked before the game to determine whether or not players get ratings adjustments for the game.
- Rivalry games tend to have a higher level of physical play and an increased number of penalties.
- The results of Rivalry games have a significantly increased effect on the happiness of fans - wins will make them happier than a normal win, losses will upset them more.