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Other Ratings
There are six other offensive ratings that don't quite fit in the batting, pitching, or defensive categories: Running Speed, Stealing Bases, Baserunning Instincts, Sacrifice Bunt, Bunt for Hit, and Hitter Type. Unlike hitting and pitching ratings, these other ratings do not have corresponding potential ratings. Other ratings can be seen on the Player Profile, the Ratings page. There is no default view with all of these ratings, but you could easily create a custom view for that purpose.

Note: Hitter Type does not affect the likelihood that a player will make contact, or how much power the hitter has. It affects only the trajectory of a batted ball.

Running Speed
Running Speed is a measure of how quickly a player can run from one base to the next. Players with a high rating in Running Speed are more of a threat to steal bases, and are more likely to advance further on a ball in play. Running Speed is strictly for offensive play. For example, Running Speed does not factor into an outfielder's range. However, Running Speed and Defensive Range are linked internally. For example, as a player ages, his speed and range will generally decline at the same pace.Stealing Bases
Stealing Bases is a measure of how good a player is at stealing. Stealing bases is not a matter only of speed, but also timing, knowledge of pitchers, and ability to 'get a good jump.' It is possible for a player to have a high Running Speed rating, but a low Stealing Bases rating, and vice versa, although the most dangerous baserunners have high ratings in both. A combination of strategy settings for stealing bases and Running Speed is used to determine how often a runner is given a "green light" to steal a base. Speed and pitcher Hold Rating then determine how good a jump the runner gets. If he gets a good jump and goes (ie a stolen base attempt) the Catcher Arm, pitcher Hold Rating, the type of pitch and Stealing Bases rating are the factors which determine whether the runner is safe.Baserunning Instincts
Baserunning Instincts is a measure of a player's instincts when running the bases. Players with a high rating in Baserunning Instincts are more likely to take advantage of fielder miscues to advance a base, and less likely to get thrown out due to baserunning mistakes.Sacrifice Bunt
Sacrifice Bunt is a measure of how well a player can execute a sacrifice bunt. Players with a high rating in Sacrifice Bunt are more likely to execute the bunt correctly, advancing the runner. They are also less likely to strike out while bunting.Bunt for Hit
Bunt for Hit is a measure of how well a player can execute bunt in an attempt to reach base safely. Players with a high rating in Bunt for Hit are more likely to bunt to a good location for reaching base. Players with high Running Speed and high Bunt for Hit have the best chance at bunting for a hit. Left-handed hitters are also better at bunting for a hit.Hitter Type
There are three general types of hitters in OOTP. Hitter Type defines which category a player falls into. Hitter Type affects the likelihood that a batted ball will go to a particular area of the playing field. The types are defined below.Hitter Type | Characteristics |
Spray hitter | Batted balls are more or less equally likely to go to any part of the field. |
Normal | Batted balls are distributed normally, which means that the majority of balls will go to the hitter's 'pull' side. (Right-handed hitters will hit a majority of balls to the left side of the field, and left-handed hitters will hit a majority of balls to the right side of the field.) |
Pull hitter | Batted balls are noticeably more likely to be pulled to the hitter's side. (Right-handed hitters will hit most balls to the left side of the field, and left-handed hitters will hit most balls to the right side of the field.) |
Note: Hitter Type does not affect the likelihood that a player will make contact, or how much power the hitter has. It affects only the trajectory of a batted ball.