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Replacing the Default Player Photo
If you are not currently using fictional faces or custom images, you're probably well acquainted with the default player image in OOTP.
The default player image appears for any player who is not currently on a team and who does not have his own image. If a player is currently on a team but does not have his own image, the player's team logo is used instead of the default player image.
You can change the default player image. The easiest way to do this is as follows:
The default player image appears for any player who is not currently on a team and who does not have his own image. If a player is currently on a team but does not have his own image, the player's team logo is used instead of the default player image.
You can change the default player image. The easiest way to do this is as follows:
- Close OOTP, if it is open.
- Find the image you want to use. As with player images, this image should be 90 pixels wide by 135 pixels high, but this image should be in .jpg format, not .png.
- Name your new file default_player_image.jpg.
- In the dataskins directory within your OOTP installation directory, find the directory that matches the OOTP skin you prefer to use. (If you're not sure which one that is, you can repeat this process for all skins, or you can load OOTP and check in the Preferences screen.)
- Inside the directory for your favorite skin, there will be an images directory. Open that, and find the default_player_image.jpg file.
- Rename that file to default_player_image.orig
- Save your new file into this directory.
- This next piece is critical to having the change work. In the skin directory you have chosen (dataskinsootp blue, for example), rename the skin.bin file to skin.old.
- Open OOTP. The game will take some time to load, because that last step we took told it to rebuild the skin. This process can take several minutes, especially on older computers, but it is just a one-time process.
- Once the game opens, your new default player image should be in effect. Repeat this process for any other skins you wish to use.