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Injuries, Fatigue and Aging
Injury, fatigue, and aging are an unavoidable part of any baseball player's career. Here is a little more information on how these factors work in OOTPB.

Players in OOTPB do suffer from injuries, fatigue, and aging. In the normal course of play, a wide variety of injuries can occur, ranging from minor annoyances to career-ending injuries. The frequency of injuries can be adjusted in the injury options described in Global Setup.

Players also have injury tendencies. For example, a player who suffers a major knee injury will be much more likely to experience future knee or leg problems than a player who has never been injured before. Having a good team doctor can be a huge advantage in dealing with injuries. See Team Personnel for more information on team doctors.

Injuries can immediately affect a player's current ratings and his potential ratings. The more severe an injury is, the more likely that the player's ratings will suffer. It's quite possible for an injury to turn a great player into an average one.

Injuries in the game are of three types.

Day-to-dayDay-to-day injuries don't prevent players from missing games, but they reduce a player's effectiveness. Additionally, a player who plays with a day-to-day injury is at greater risk for additional injury, especially in that area of the body. For example, a player playing on a sprained ankle is more likely to suffer a foot injury.
OutThese are injuries that force a player out of the lineup. These injuries can last anywhere from a few days to almost a year.
Career-endingSome injuries are career-ending. When a player suffers a career-ending injury.

OOTPB's injury database now also includes illnesses and off-the-field injuries. So, players might miss time at any time during the year for various reasons.

Note: Injuries in OOTPB are customizable.

Players age in a model that is relatively consistent with modern-day baseball players. Some older players might continue to be productive into their 40s, while others might lose their skills in rapid fashion. You can adjust this by tweaking the player aging speed modifiers in game setup Player & Picture Options.

Players who do not play for a long time can get rusty, resulting in reduced performance, so it's a good idea to get your players some at-bats or innings pitched at least occasionally. This is particularly true during spring training.

Players accumulate fatigue as the season goes on. Each time a player participates in a game, he gains a certain amount of fatigue. Each day off he gets reduces that figure. Once a certain amount of fatigue has been accumulated, the player becomes tired and no longer plays as effectively. Tired players, especially pitchers, are also more prone to suffering injuries. Pitchers are often very tired or even exhausted immediately after pitching.

The health status of your players is displayed on almost every page that includes a list of players, including the roster, the player profile, and more. Be sure to take good care of your players!
