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OOTP has a replay feature that allows you to view a complete replay of any game you have "recorded," even if you didn't play that game out yourself! In the past, online league general managers had to get by reading game logs and box scores, but with replay they can see the entire play-by-play of every game!
Note: Replay isn't retroactive. If you had replay turned off for certain teams (such as computer teams), there is no way to see replays for past games for those teams. Once you turn on replay, it will begin saving replay files going forward.

Additionally, the Auto-Play Menu also contains an option to watch a saved replay:

If you choose the option from the Auto-Play Menu, a file browser window will open, from which you can select the replay you wish to view. However, in order to select the correct one, you need to know the Game ID of the replay. The Game ID is a number, typically four digits or less, and can be most easily found by looking at the top of the box score for the game in question.
Through either of these methods, you can begin watching! Remember that the Hide Scores checkbox on the Scores and Schedules page can be used to help keep you from mistakenly seeing scores of completed games that you wish to replay.

Enabling Replays
By default, replays are only stored for human-controlled teams. To change this setting during initial game creation, use the Auto-Save and Log Options section of the Game Options page. After a game has been created, the option is found by navigating to the Global Setup page (OOTP Menu >> Game Setup >> Global Setup). Replay files take up about 60-120 KB per file, so take that into consideration before you turn it on for your 256-team league! Replays are generated for every game, not just those that you play out. Replay files are saved in the replays directory in your league directory.Note: Replay isn't retroactive. If you had replay turned off for certain teams (such as computer teams), there is no way to see replays for past games for those teams. Once you turn on replay, it will begin saving replay files going forward.
Initiating Replays
There are two ways to initiate a replay. On the Scores and Schedules page, if there are any completed games visible for which a replay has been saved, there will be a Watch Replay link. Click on this link to begin watching the replay:
Additionally, the Auto-Play Menu also contains an option to watch a saved replay:

If you choose the option from the Auto-Play Menu, a file browser window will open, from which you can select the replay you wish to view. However, in order to select the correct one, you need to know the Game ID of the replay. The Game ID is a number, typically four digits or less, and can be most easily found by looking at the top of the box score for the game in question.
Through either of these methods, you can begin watching! Remember that the Hide Scores checkbox on the Scores and Schedules page can be used to help keep you from mistakenly seeing scores of completed games that you wish to replay.
Watching Replays
Watching a replay is very similar to playing out a game using the BNN Broadcast page, but with a limited set of functionality, because you have no control over the game like you do when you are managing. Still, there is nothing in a replay that isn't also covered in playing out a game, so we won't go into more detail here!