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Players List
The Players List report is a list of all players. It uses a two-step process to get you to the player report for any individual player in the selected league.
Click here to see a sample of the Players List report
To access this report:
Figure 268 Players List (List of Letters)

Figure 269 Players List (Players by Letter)

To access this report:
The Player report is divided into eight sections. Since the report is so long, we ask that you open this sample player report to view individual sections.
Note: The ratings displayed are OSA-scouted ratings.
Note: The ratings displayed are OSA-scouted ratings.
For batters, splits are listed in with the statistics. For pitchers, a separate section holds the pitching splits.
Click here to see a sample of the Players List report
To access this report:
- From within any in-game report, click on Players in the Link Bar.
Figure 268 Players List (List of Letters)

- Click on any letter to get to a list of players whose last name starts with that letter.
Figure 269 Players List (Players by Letter)

- Click any player name to be taken to the Player report described below.
Player Report
The Player report gives you a wealth of information about a single player.To access this report:
- From within any in-game report, click a hyperlinked player name.
- From within any in-game report, click on Players in the Link Bar, select a letter, and then select a player.
The Player report is divided into eight sections. Since the report is so long, we ask that you open this sample player report to view individual sections.
General Information
The General Information section at the top of the Player report contains demographic and general information about a player, including his country of origin and contract-related data.Pitching Ratings
The Pitching Ratings section shows pitching ratings for the currently selected pitcher. This section does not appear for batters.Note: The ratings displayed are OSA-scouted ratings.
Batting Ratings
The Batting Ratings section shows batting ratings for the currently selected player.Note: The ratings displayed are OSA-scouted ratings.
Game Log
The Game Log section shows the player's statistics from his last 10 games played. For pitchers, pitching statistics are shown. For hitters, batting statistics are shown.Current Year Statistics / Splits
The Current Year Statistics / Splits section shows a player's statistics for the current year. For pitchers, pitching statistics are shown. For hitters, batting statistics are shown.For batters, splits are listed in with the statistics. For pitchers, a separate section holds the pitching splits.