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Installing on a Macintosh
To install OOTP on a Macintosh, follow these steps:
Warning: OOTP requires you to run an installer program! You cannot simply drag the program to your Applications folder like you can for some Macintosh applications!
Warning: OOTP requires you to run an installer program! You cannot simply drag the program to your Applications folder like you can for some Macintosh applications!
- Download the game. After this step is completed, you should have a file called ootp12macinstall.tar.gz saved somewhere on your computer.
- Double-click the .tar.gz file to unarchive the file. You should now have a new folder called ootp12macinstall.
- Open this folder and double-click the program called OOTP Installer. A license agreement screen will display:
- Read the License Agreement carefully, and then click on the I Agree button to continue on to the Select Options screen:
By default, OOTP will be installed in your Applications folder. If you would like to install into a custom folder, uncheck the the "Use default folders (recommended)" box, and browse to the folder in which you would like to install OOTP:
You can also choose whether or not you want the installer to create a desktop shortcut for you. - Click Install to begin the installation. This may take a few minutes. When the installation is complete, you will receive a confirmation screen:
- Click on the Finish button.
- Double-click the OOTP icon to launch the game. If you have not yet purchased a license, you can do so now, or you can play the game in demo mode. If you have already purchased a license, use these instructions from our Knowledge Base to install your license.