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League Structure Editor
The League Structure Editor can be used to change the core structure of a league, such as the number of subleagues, the number of divisions, the number of teams, or which teams go where. The League Structure Editor is accessed via the League Functions page, either by selecting Edit League Structure from the Functions action menu, or by selecting the same from the scrolling list on that page.

You must either be playing a solo game, or be the Commissioner of your league, in order to use the League Structure Editor. League structures can only be edited during the offseason or preseason.
Warning: Editing your league structure is a drastic step! Always, always, always be sure to back up your game before editing the league structure!

If you add a new subleague, one division will be created for that subleague automatically. Of course, you must add teams before completing your changes! The name of your subleague can be edited after your changes are done by navigating to OOTP Menu | Game Setup | League Setup tab | Names & Affiliations tab.
Any time two subleagues exist, there will be an option to delete either of the existing subleagues.

Deleting a subleague will remove the entire subleague, and all divisions and teams in that subleague!

Once you have added a division, you can edit the name of the division in-line just by clicking on the name of the Division. Don't forget to hit Enter when you are done to save your changes!

If you change the Season Year value, you must hit Refresh Teams List to get the set of teams from that year. Otherwise, the options on this screen are the same as those described in the Adding Historical Leagues page. When you are done tweaking settings, click on the Import Team button to proceed.

You must either be playing a solo game, or be the Commissioner of your league, in order to use the League Structure Editor. League structures can only be edited during the offseason or preseason.
Warning: Editing your league structure is a drastic step! Always, always, always be sure to back up your game before editing the league structure!
Editing the League Structure
To edit any league, first select the target league from the Select League drop-down in the top right corner. In editing your league structure, you can edit at three different levels:Generating Schedules
Any time you edit the structure of your league, you typically should generate a new schedule that takes into account the changes you have made. If you fail to do so, it could result in new teams not having any scheduled games, etc. So, unless you are an OOTP schedule guru, and are really confident you know what you are doing, the best idea is to always regenerate a schedule after editing the league. This can be done by clicking on the Generate Schedule button on this page.Editing Subleagues
Since OOTP only allows 1 or 2 subleagues, there aren't that many options for editing subleagues. If you have only one subleague, there will be an option to add a second one:
If you add a new subleague, one division will be created for that subleague automatically. Of course, you must add teams before completing your changes! The name of your subleague can be edited after your changes are done by navigating to OOTP Menu | Game Setup | League Setup tab | Names & Affiliations tab.
Any time two subleagues exist, there will be an option to delete either of the existing subleagues.

Deleting a subleague will remove the entire subleague, and all divisions and teams in that subleague!
Editing Divisions
Divisions can be edited in a similar fashion to subleagues, except that you can have many more divisions. Divisions are added to a subleague by clicking the Add Division button on the same line as the subleague to which you wish to add the division. As long as there are at least 2 divisions in a subleague, each division will have a Delete Division option as well.
Once you have added a division, you can edit the name of the division in-line just by clicking on the name of the Division. Don't forget to hit Enter when you are done to save your changes!
Editing Teams
Within a division, you can add, remove, and move teams.
- To add a team, just click the Add Team button in the same row as the division to which you wish to add the team.
- To remove a team, just click the Remove Team button next to the teamin the same row as the division to which you wish to add the team. Removing a team deletes the team, and releases all of its players into the free agent pool. It does not delete any affiliated teams. These simply lose their affiliations.
- To move a team, select a destination for the team from the Move Team drop-down.
Importing Historical Teams
You can also use this page to import an entire historical team, such as the 1967 Red Sox. To do this, just click the Import Hist. Team button in the same row as the division you wish to hold the imported team. You will be prompted to find the historical database you wish to use. The default database is in data/stats/historical_database.odb within your OOTP installation. You will then be presented with historical import options including a list of teams.
If you change the Season Year value, you must hit Refresh Teams List to get the set of teams from that year. Otherwise, the options on this screen are the same as those described in the Adding Historical Leagues page. When you are done tweaking settings, click on the Import Team button to proceed.