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What Is an XML File?
Without getting too technical, an XML file is a specially formatted text file somewhat similar to HTML. However, XML is fundamentally designed to carry data, while HTML is designed to display data. That's an awfully broad description. If you're at least familiar with HTML, you can find more information on XML here: There are many other resources on the Internet to learn more about XML.
For the purpose of editing OOTPB text, however, perhaps more important than a deep understanding of XML is understanding how to tweak the OOTPB XML file.
XML files consist of 'elements' that are defined by text enclosed in the characters < and >. Each element represents a different piece of data. All elements in an XML file must have a 'closing tag,' which is enclosed in the characters </ and >. So, you might see text like this in the game:
?????? <TEXT_OBJECT id='28' text='[%personname L] advances to second base'/>
The first line here means that you have an element called TEXT_CATEGORY, and this particular element has an id of 13. The last line is the closing tag for the TEXT_CATEGORY element. In between is a completely separate child element called TEXT_OBJECT, which is a subset of TEXT_CATEGORY.
We'll go into more detail on the specific elements used in the OOTPB XML file later on.
Warning! In XML, elements are case-sensitive. That is, you cannot write <TEXT_CATEGORY> in one tag, and then write </Text_Category> for the closing tag!
At the heart of it, XML files are text files that can be edited with any program that can edit text files. Luckily, every operating system has at least one text editing program by default; Windows has Notepad and WordPad, Macs have Write, and so forth
For the purpose of editing OOTPB text, however, perhaps more important than a deep understanding of XML is understanding how to tweak the OOTPB XML file.
XML files consist of 'elements' that are defined by text enclosed in the characters < and >. Each element represents a different piece of data. All elements in an XML file must have a 'closing tag,' which is enclosed in the characters </ and >. So, you might see text like this in the game:
?????? <TEXT_OBJECT id='28' text='[%personname L] advances to second base'/>
The first line here means that you have an element called TEXT_CATEGORY, and this particular element has an id of 13. The last line is the closing tag for the TEXT_CATEGORY element. In between is a completely separate child element called TEXT_OBJECT, which is a subset of TEXT_CATEGORY.
We'll go into more detail on the specific elements used in the OOTPB XML file later on.
Warning! In XML, elements are case-sensitive. That is, you cannot write <TEXT_CATEGORY> in one tag, and then write </Text_Category> for the closing tag!
At the heart of it, XML files are text files that can be edited with any program that can edit text files. Luckily, every operating system has at least one text editing program by default; Windows has Notepad and WordPad, Macs have Write, and so forth