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Strength Overview
Most trades in the real world are a matter of relative need. GMs trade players to fill a need, or to deal from strength to obtain something for the future. The Strength Overview is a dynamic report (more completely, the "Positional Strength Overview by Positions" report) in which all teams in your league are ranked by position.
View a sample Strength Overview by Positions report here.
For each position and pitching role, this report includes a ranking from 1 to X of which teams are the strongest in the league at that position. For each team, it includes the following information:
This is a very handy planning tool for trades. For example, if you have lots of good middle infield prospects in your organization, run this report and look for teams with poor rankings at second base and shortstop. Those are great potential trading partners!
View a sample Strength Overview by Positions report here.
For each position and pitching role, this report includes a ranking from 1 to X of which teams are the strongest in the league at that position. For each team, it includes the following information:
- Team
- Top Player - The name of the top player on that team at that position.
- Team Ranking - The comparative rank of the strength of the team at this position, basely solely on the parent league level.
- Top Prospect - The top prospect in the team's organization at that position.
- Organizational Ranking - The comparitive rank of the strength of the team at this position, based on all players at all levels who are 25 and under.
- Overall Ranking - A ranking of the overall strength of the entire team organization at that position, including the parent team and all affiliated teams, compared to other teams in the league.
This is a very handy planning tool for trades. For example, if you have lots of good middle infield prospects in your organization, run this report and look for teams with poor rankings at second base and shortstop. Those are great potential trading partners!