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Add/Edit Human Managers
Add/Edit Human Managers (OOTP Menu >> Add/Edit Human Managers) is where you create and edit what we call "human managers" in OOTP. A human manager is the identity of a human player within your game. There's a section of the online manual that talks about OOTP's manager model in detail. You are always prompted to create a human manager during the process of creating a saved game, whether in Advanced Mode or via the League Creation Wizard.

Note: Do not create manager identities for your computer teams! Human managers are a completely different concept from AI managers! If you want to create a manager for a computer-controlled team, you can do so by having the commissioner edit a coach using the Personnel Editor.
If you want to create a new human manager, click the Add another Manager button. A copy of the existing manager will be made, which you can then edit to your liking. The left side of the page has options for this manager. The right side contains a list of active managers in this saved game and which team each one manages.
Note: When you add a new manager after your game has already started, the new manager is not automatically 'logged in.' That is, when you click OK, you will be returned to the game, but you will still be 'logged in' as the previous human manager. For more information on changing the active manager, see the Select Human Manager page.
Note: The manager identity that currently being edited is highlighted in the List of Active Managers on the right.

These values generally have no noticeable impact on the game. They are there just to give your manager identity more 'life.' In particular, note that human managers do not retire or die of old age. However, the nationality of a manager can have a slight impact on the way a player perceives that manager's team. For example, a Dominican player is more likely to feel favorably toward an organization with a Dominican general manager than he would toward an organization with a manager from another country.

When you have set a password, you will be prompted to enter it any time you start the game or change human managers. Typically, manager passwords are used in online leagues, not solo play.
Warning! There is no way to recover a lost password. If you lose your password, you will be forced to create a new identity. Passwords cannot be recovered by contacting technical support!

Warning! When a manager identity is deleted, all records of the manager are lost. Therefore, if you want to retain the history of a manager, just have the manager resign and remain active, but unemployed.
You cannot edit team assignments for managers from this screen once the human manager has been created. You must use the in-game job functions or editors.

Note: Do not create manager identities for your computer teams! Human managers are a completely different concept from AI managers! If you want to create a manager for a computer-controlled team, you can do so by having the commissioner edit a coach using the Personnel Editor.
Creating a Manager
OOTP begins with one default human manager with a generic name ("Jim Smith"). When you first start your game, you can simply edit this manager identity to your liking. For all subsequent games, OOTP will remember the name of the last human manager that you created.If you want to create a new human manager, click the Add another Manager button. A copy of the existing manager will be made, which you can then edit to your liking. The left side of the page has options for this manager. The right side contains a list of active managers in this saved game and which team each one manages.
Note: When you add a new manager after your game has already started, the new manager is not automatically 'logged in.' That is, when you click OK, you will be returned to the game, but you will still be 'logged in' as the previous human manager. For more information on changing the active manager, see the Select Human Manager page.
Note: The manager identity that currently being edited is highlighted in the List of Active Managers on the right.
Personal Info
In the Personal Info section, you can edit the manager's name, nationality, and date of birth:
These values generally have no noticeable impact on the game. They are there just to give your manager identity more 'life.' In particular, note that human managers do not retire or die of old age. However, the nationality of a manager can have a slight impact on the way a player perceives that manager's team. For example, a Dominican player is more likely to feel favorably toward an organization with a Dominican general manager than he would toward an organization with a manager from another country.
Team & Play Mode
The Team & Play Mode section defines what role the manager identity will play in your game.
Option | Description |
Play in Commissioner Mode | Check this box to make this manager identity into a commissioner. A player can be both a commissioner and the general manager or manager of a specific team. |
Cannot be fired | If checked, your human manager cannot be fired by the owner. If unchecked, you are subject to the whims of your owner, so if your team does not perform well, you may get the axe! |
Select Team | This drop-down menu shows a list of all the teams in your game file, including every league. By selecting a team from this menu, you are 'hiring' this human manager as the manager of the selected team. At the start of a game, you can hire yourself into any manager position in your game. You can also choose to have a manager start as unemployed. However, be forewarned: If you start the game unemployed, you will be at the mercy of the owners in your league. Many owners might not be interested in hiring a 'rookie' manager like you, especially for higher-level jobs. See the section of the manual about the manager model for more information. |
The Password section allows you to provide a password for your manager identity:
When you have set a password, you will be prompted to enter it any time you start the game or change human managers. Typically, manager passwords are used in online leagues, not solo play.
Warning! There is no way to recover a lost password. If you lose your password, you will be forced to create a new identity. Passwords cannot be recovered by contacting technical support!
List of Active Managers
The List of Active Managers on the right displays all human manager identities in the current game file. The team that employs the manager is given in parentheses. Commissioners are identified with the word 'Commissioner,' while unemployed managers are identified as 'no team.'
Deleting Managers
To delete an existing manager, click on the manager in the List of Active Managers on the right side of the page. Then click the Delete Selected Manager button.Warning! When a manager identity is deleted, all records of the manager are lost. Therefore, if you want to retain the history of a manager, just have the manager resign and remain active, but unemployed.
Editing Existing Managers
To edit an existing manager, click on the manager in the list of active managers on the right side of the page. Then edit the identity on the left side of the page. When you are through, click OK.You cannot edit team assignments for managers from this screen once the human manager has been created. You must use the in-game job functions or editors.