Out of the Park Developments Online Manuals
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Nation Editor
The Nation Editor can be used to edit information about single nation in your game world:

To use the Nation Editor, you must be in Commissioner mode. If you are, the Nation Editor will be available as the right-most tab in any Nation Profile page.:

Changes made in the editor take effect immediately up selecting a value from a drop-down, or when hitting the Enter key in a text field. There is no save button, so be sure to hit the Enter key after making changes!

Nation Name The name of the nation
Nation Abbreviation The abbreviation of the nation
Nationality The adjective used to describe players from this nation
Population The population of the nation. Population in OOTP does not fluctuate over time.
Baseball Program The level of baseball talent in the nation. The better the rating, the more likely that players from that nation will be discovered, and the more likely that they will be good.
Language Information The language/name origin fields define the origins of names in the nation. You can set up to 5 different name origins. So, for example, if you set a nation to 50% US (Modern), and 50% Hispanic, then 50% of the players from that name will have modern U.S. names, and 50% will have Hispanic names.
Add Nation
You can also add an entirely new nation to the game world by clicking on the Add Nation button in the lower right.

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