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Association Setup and Options

The Association Setup and Options screen is where you come to set up league associations. (Note that if you do not yet have associations, the menu option takes you directly to this screen. However, once you have associations configured, the menu option takes you the Association Overview screen instead.)

Creating Associations

Association are created between two or more teams that are classified as "major leagues." You cannot create an association of minor league teams. However, you can create as many associations as you would like. When you first come to the Association Setup and Options screen, you are presented with a list of leagues in your baseball universe that could be associated:


Choose the leagues you wish to associate and click the Create Association! button. (You can create additional associations by selecting the Create New Association button that appears on the next screen.)

Configuring Associations

Once your first association has been created, you will have many options to configure. By default, leagues involved in associations retain their own individual rules. Changes to the various rules on this screen will automatically propagate down to all member leagues, synchronizing their rules! (You can always go back and change the individual league settings if you wish.)


Association Basics
Association Name The name of the league association
Abbreviation The abbreviation of the league association
Association Roster Rules

The options available in the Association Roster Rules were already described in the Roster Rules section of the Rules screen.

Association Service Time

The options available in the Association Service Time Settings were already described in the Financial Rules section of the Rules screen.

Association Draft Settings

With two exceptions, the options available in the Association Draft Settings were already described in the Amateur Draft Rules section of the Rules screen.

The exceptions are as follows:

Enable Shared Amateur & Inaugural Draft Enabling this option will cause the leagues in the association to share both their amateur and inaugural drafts. All teams from each member league will choose players from the same pool.
Enable Shared Rule 5 Draft Enabling this option will cause the leagues in the association to share their Rule 5 draft. All teams from each member league will choose players from the same pool.
Association Playoff Settings

If playoffs are enabled between associated leagues, some special rules are available to customize your playoffs.

Switching Associations

If you have more than one association, you can choose which association to edit using the Selected Association drop-down in the upper right corner of the screen.

Deleting Associations

If you no longer wish leagues to be associated, click the Delete Association button in the lower right corner of the screen. You will be asked to confirm.