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The Manager Notes screen is where you can jot down important information and reminders to yourself.

Adding Notes/Reminders

This screen is split into a left pane, which lists notes, and a right pane, where the note content is displayed or created. To add a new note, click the Create Note button in the lower right. To edit an existing note, just select it in the left pane.

Subject The subject header of your note, which will display in the left pane
Date The date of your note. You can assign any date you want, so for example, if you wanted to note something that happened in your history, you could.
Enable Reminder If this is checked, the game will stop auto-play and pop up a reminder about your note when the number of days noted in the field below has passed. The pop-up will only contain the Subject of your note, not the content.
Remind me in X days If reminders are enabled, this is the number of days after the date of the note that the reminder will appear.
Recurring If this box is checked, the reminder will recur every X days, where X is the value in the "Remind me in X days" field above.
Note text The text of the note. Click Create Note or simply navigate away from the screen to save changes.

Deleting Notes/Reminders

To delete a note, click on the note in the left pane, and then click the Delete Note button in the lower right.

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