Out of the Park Developments Online Manuals
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Importing Team Files

Once you've received all the team files from the members of your league, as commissioner you must update the main league file (yours) by importing them:

  1. If you received any team files from means other than your ftp site, you need to place them in the "import_export" folder of your league folder.
  2. On the File menu, choose Setup / Options and the Online League tab.
  3. You will see two options, "Import all teams from server" and "Import all teams from import_export folder":
    "Import all teams from server" will import all the files that have been uploaded to your FTP site.
    "Import all teams from import_export folder" will import files you got via means other than ftp upload (remember, you have to save them in the import_export folder first).
  4. Now you can advance the game, by clicking Continue or autoplaying an agreed-upon number of days for your league.

After you've reached the desired in-game date, it's time to prepare a new league file and begin the process again.