Out of the Park Developments Online Manuals
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Preparing a New League File

Once you've finished moving the game forward, it's time to update your league file and upload it so the team preparation process can begin again.

  1. Once you've finished advancing the game, exit FHM10 (saving the league file).
  2. Go to your game folder in the saved_games folder (xxx.lg where xxx is the name of your game).
  3. Zip/rar the league files. You only need to zip the files in the root folder of your save: the *.dat files and all db_news files. The subfolders do not need to be included. (If you want to include them, you can, but make VERY sure to not include the "settings" and "import_export" folders.)
  4. Upload the league file to your FTP server.

Once the updated league file has been uploaded, you can notify your members that it's ready and the cycle of preparing, uploading, and importing team files can begin again.