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Importing OOTP21 Games

Importing games from OOTP 21 is simple. Just use the following steps:

  1. From the Main page, click on the Import OOTP 21 League button. A file browser window will appear.
  2. Browse to the .lg directory for your old saved game.
  3. Once you have found your game directory, such as 'MyGame.lg,' browse into that folder and find the world.dat file.
  4. Select this file, and then click the Confirm button.
  5. You will be prompted to enter a new name for your imported game file. Enter a name, and then click the Import Now button. Your game will now be converted to the current game format.

Notes about Importing Games from OOTP 21

Each version of OOTP brings new functionality and changes in the algorithms that make up key aspects of the game like statistical output, scouting ratings, financial calculations, and player development. As a result, while we always attempt to make previous versions import smoothly, there is always risk, and there is no guarantee that your league will behave precisely the same after importing into OOTP.

  • Importing a game does not change or damage the original saved game. It makes a copy of your original files, leaving them unchanged. Even so, it is always safest to back up your game files before importing.
  • Importing a game can take some time. The larger your league is, and the more history it has, the longer it will take. When importing a game, you might want to set aside a chunk of time for the import process.
  • You can import a game file at any time during your game's calendar year. However, for league consistency, we recommend converting after your last playoff game, before proceeding to the offseason.
  • We highly recommend making a backup of your newly imported league, and auto-playing several seasons into the future, to assess whether the upgrade has caused any major changes or imbalances in your league.

Importing Files from before OOTP 21

OOTP cannot directly import files from versions prior to OOTP 21, but all is not lost if you have one of those versions. You can download demo versions of older versions of our product from http://www.ootpdevfiles.com. The demo versions can be used to convert earlier versions of the game. For example, OOTP 17 can convert OOTP 16 games. Once you have your file into OOTP 21 format, you can import it into OOTP 22!

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