Out of the Park Developments Online Manuals
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Facegen Settings


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OOTP can create fictional pictures for your players and coaches. Fictional faces appear with their team's cap and jersey, and their logos as well. Faces are divided into several facial types. They can be displayed at multiple angles with multiple backgrounds, and change as players age, change in mood, or even change in weight.

Player Pictures for
  • All Players - All players in your game will receive fictional player pictures.
  • Major League Players Only - Players in the major leagues receive fictional pictures. All other players will not automatically receive pictures.
  • None - No players will receive fictional player pictures.
Create Player Pictures
  • Upon Player Creation - Fictional pictures are created at the time players are newly created, such as when an first-year player draft pool is generated.
  • On Demand - Fictional pictures are created automatically whenever required to display the image on-page. For example, when you open a player's profile, the picture will be generated.
Update Player Pictures
  • Yearly Only - Pictures are updated on January 1. Updates include changes based on age, weight, or team.
  • On Status Change - Pictures are updated immediately whenever there are changes based on age, weight, team, or mood change.
Coach Pictures for
  • All Coaches/Scouts/Managers - All coaches, scouts, and managers will have fictional pictures.
  • No Fictional Pictures - No coaches or other personnel will receive fictional pictures.
Fictional Picture Options

The Fictional Picture Options are nearly identical to those described in the Game Options, with the following additions:

FaceGen color mode The FaceGen color mode option has three settings: Normal (full color), Black and White, and Sepia. The color mode defines the nature of fictional pictures generated by the game. You can use this option to generate fictional pictures that match the mood of your game.
FaceGen background mode The FaceGen background mode defines how backgrounds work for fictional pictures. You can choose to have no backgrounds, or backgrounds on all pictures.
Load player pictures automatically When this is enabled, OOTP will automatically search for pictures files matching the player's name and use those pictures.
Load PhotoFit (FaceGen) files automatically It is possible to use FaceGen's PhotoFit toolkit to create your own FaceGen files. If you have done so, this option will enable OOTP to automatically detect and load any such files.
Enable baseball cards If this is enabled, OOTP will automatically generate and update player baseball cards, which can be accessed through the Picture action menu on each player's profile.
Player Picture Functions

The Player Picture Functions section contains several tools that allow you make changes to your fictional pictures. If you are not using the fictional pictures feature, there is no need to review this section.

Update / Generate Player Pictures This option will update player pictures for any players whose BMI (body mass index, a measure of height and weight), age, or team has changed. If no picture exists, one will be created. This option will change pictures only if a change is detected. It will not pick up changes such as the addition of a new custom logo. The fundamental player pictures, however, will not be changed. That is, if a face has already been selected for a player, that player's face will only be updated, not changed.
Force Update / Generate Player Pictures This option is similar to the one above, but it will force the computer to recreate every picture. This is helpful if you have changed team logos or made other underlying changes. This option takes longer than the option described above. The fundamental player pictures, however, will not be changed. That is, if a face has already been selected for a player, that player's face will only be updated, not changed.
Generate New Player Pictures This option will create new pictures for all players. Be careful. This function will overwrite any existing fictional pictures. That is, if a face has already been selected for a player, that player's face will be changed to a completely new face.
Coach Picture Functions

The Coach Picture Functions are identical to the Player Picture Functions described above, but they apply to all coaches, scouts, and other team personnel in your game.

League-Specific Picture Functions

The League-Specific Picture Functions enables you to perform any of the picture functions documented on this screen, but for one specific league in your game world instead of globally.

Human Manager Picture Functions

The Human Manager Picture Functions are identical to the Player Picture Functions described above, but they apply to all human managers in your game.

Other Picture Functions

The Other Picture Functions contains an option that allows you to update all of the player pictures used in the Baseball Cards feature.

Beard Frequency

The Beard Frequency section contains a list of the beard types used in the game, and a frequency number. You can edit these values to control how frequently fictional player pictures have beards, and what kinds of beards.

Previous page: Player and Team
Next page: AI Settings