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Installing on a Macintosh

OOTP for the Mac requires you to run an installer program. You cannot simply drag the program to your Applications folder like you can for some Macintosh applications. To install OOTP on a Macintosh, follow these steps:

  1. Download the game. After this step is completed, you should have a file called ootp21macinstall.tar.gz saved somewhere on your computer.

  2. Double-click the .tar.gz file to unarchive the file. You should now have a new folder called ootp21macinstall.

  3. Open this folder and double-click the program called OOTP Installer. A license agreement screen will display.

  4. Read the License Agreement carefully, and then click on the I Agree button to continue on to the Select Options screen. By default, OOTP will be installed in your Applications folder. If you would like to install into a custom folder, uncheck the the "Use default folders (recommended)" box, and browse to the folder in which you would like to install OOTP. You can also choose whether or not you want the installer to create a desktop shortcut for you.

  5. Click Install to begin the installation. This may take a few minutes. When the installation is complete, you will receive a confirmation screen.

  6. Click on the Finish button.

  7. Double-click the OOTP icon to launch the game. If you have not yet purchased a license, you can do so now, or you can play the game in demo mode. If you have already purchased a license, use these instructions from our Knowledge Base to install your license.